上海卓诚国际货物运输代理有限公司是一家专业从事进出口运输代理的国际性物流企业,公司严格按照国际先进运作模式的要求进行进出口运输操作,具有多年的进出口运输经验。主要从事空海运进口、出口等运输业务,业务涉及订舱、仓储、中转、清关、报关、薰蒸 等多个进出口环节,我司将针对客户的产品及需求特性,为客户考虑、设计、安排最优的物流路径及物流布局,提供国内、国际的门到门服务,以安全,快速,节省的运作效果完成客户的要求。 上海卓诚国际货物运输代理有限公司致力于为客户提供更专业的货物进口/出口、航空/海上运输、报关、化工鉴定/磁检、仓储及货运相关业务代理及咨询服务,我们拥有庞大的海外服务网点,上海卓诚国际货物运输代理有限公司高覆盖、高效率的服务获得多家公司和机构的认可。我们将本着“精诚合作,携手共赢”的企业宗旨为您提供更高性价比的服务。为客户为我们赢得跟多的机遇和收获。 核心业务 核心业务 ● 进出口空运/海运/快递; 国内国外主要港口城市包板包舱运输,价格实惠、仓位保证;国内外提货、报关、清关、配送门到门的一站式服务。 ● 单证、商检、产地证、3C、报关、货运保险等的代办业务; ● ATA、暂时进出口、国内外参展/演出、返修品报关/运输代理服务. Shanghai Joyful Cargo Service Co., Ltd has years of experience and various resources. We stand out and enjoy our reputation as one of the most responsible and customer-centered among the countless other providers. No cargo is too big or too small for us! It is always our top priority to minimize your costs and risks and maximize your profits and satisfaction on all aspects. We always provide Joyful Cargo Services to our customer. We have been focusing mainly on provide export cargo service and import cargo service from/to North America, South America, Europe, Southeast Asia and Australia. - Air freight to the USA, South America, South Korea, South Africa, Hong Kong, Australia, India, Western and Eastern Europe by RU, MU, FM, CK, CA, JL, SA,CZ, LH,OZ, RU, SQ, and LO. We also offer you door-to-door, ex-works, DDP, and DDU service worldwide.